On the Name

I’ve always thought “Gray Matter” would be an awesome name for my blog. My first name is Gray. Gray matter is a substance found in the brain which invokes a certain imagery, and I figured my blog content would air on the intellectual side. And “Gray Matter” taken on it’s own sounds like “matter published by Gray”. Perfect, right?!

But then “Breaking Bad” came out before I had a chance to make a name for myself.

When I was dating my wife (a huge “Breaking Bad” fan), at one point I told her about how cool it would be to have a well read blog called “Gray Matter”. To which she responded, “OH! Like ‘Breaking Bad’?!”

. . .

“Umm, no. Not like that all. I had this idea on my own, you know because of my name

Which is true. I didn’t watch “Breaking Bad” until sometime after the entirety of the show was available on Netflix, which happened in early 2014. Should have executed better, but to prove I’m not entirely unoriginal here’s some emails I sent to the person who owns the “graymatter.com” domain.

Attempt One

Note the date: 2010. That’s me in high school asking to buy the name, before everyone was watching “Breaking Bad”. I never heard back though.

So I tried again.

Attempt Two

Not my best sales pitch ever, but I didn’t have high hopes. The website, which was just an email address, hadn’t changed in years. I wasn’t even sure the email worked.

Anyway, that’s my “Hello World” post. Welcome to “Gray Matter”.